Our Best Ever A-Level Results

At St. Michael’s School, Llanelli, we are absolutely delighted to announce that we have achieved our best ever A-Level results.
86.8% of all A-Level grades were A* or A, 96.7% were A*-B and 99.5% were A*- C.
A remarkable 96.1% of students gained at least one A*/A grade and almost all earned a place at their chosen university to study courses such as Medicine, Dentistry, Law, Engineering and Economics. Some of the university destinations this year include University of Oxford, University of Cambridge, UCL (University College of London), University of Warwick and Imperial College London.
Headmaster Mr Benson Ferrari said: “Congratulations to our outgoing Year 13 class for their outstanding results, they had all worked exceptionally hard and were extremely dedicated. As Headmaster, I have had the privilege of seeing this cohort progress through the entire senior school. They had contributed so much to school life during their time here. Eighty six percent A* & A is the highest in the school’s history and we keep seeing incredible achievements from year to year – for me, this highlights the significant boost that the school adds to each student’s potential.
Furthermore, the exceptional results just go to show how effective the incredible partnership is between students, school and home. The team effort pays off for everyone, including those who find individual study more challenging or those who are anxious about examinations. We wish them all the best now as they head off to the best universities across Britain.”
Some of the highlights of our results include:
- 100% of grades in Welsh, History, Geography, Physics, P.E., Art, French and Spanish were A/ A*
- 97% of Biology grades were A*/A
- 92% of Maths grades were A*/A
- 100% of Oxbridge offers were achieved
- 13 pupils achieved a place to study Medicine or Dentistry
A huge well done to all of our pupils and we wish you the best of luck with your ongoing studies.