A summary of staff qualifications is available on request.
The School Leadership Team (SLT) are responsible for the leadership and management of the school. All staff play a vital part in helping us to deliver on our school aims and creating the welcoming, safe and successful environment in which our learners excel. Please contact the school office if you require contact details for a specific member of staff.
St. Michael’s School is operated by the CATS Global Schools (CGS) group. The school’s legal proprietor is St Michael’s School Limited. Our Chair of Governors/Responsible Individual can be contacted by letter as follows: Prof. T. Salt, CATS Global Schools, Suites 6-7 The Turvill Building, Old Swiss, 149 Cherry Hinton Road, Cambridge, CB1 7BX. 01223 341303.
As a proprietorial independent school, governance is provided by a body collectively known as the CATS Global Schools Governing Body. The governors consist of CGS company directors, all of the Headteachers of the individual schools within the group, additional senior central staff appointed for their experience and independent member(s) to provide challenge and support.
The School Leadership Team also have the benefit of access to a local advisory panel comprised of experienced individuals, local to South Wales, who are not governors or part of the governing body, but provide inspiration, critical friendship and reflection, drawing on their professional experience.