High Quality Education for All
St. Michael’s School is committed to the provision of high quality education and to enabling all children to reach their potential. Our aim is to remove any barriers to participation and learning, to provide effective support and to ensure that all children with additional learning needs have their needs met.
St. Michael’s School is able to provide excellent, tailored support to ensure that all students thrive. Our Additional Learning Needs (ALN) department, coordinated by our SENCO (Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator), supports students in both the Preparatory and Secondary School. Our specially-trained ALN staff help to identify and assist students with additional learning needs -whether they find learning difficult or require additional challenges due to their high levels of ability. When a pupil is identified as having an Additional Learning Need our SENCO will then advise parents on the best course of action. This could be some specialist teaching support, a more tailored timetable or fast-tracking. We will also advise parents on the best way to help their child at home.
The school aims to provide interventions that are additional to or different from those provided as part of St. Michael’s usual differentiated curriculum.
Specialist support lessons are timetabled to meet each individual pupil’s need where possible and careful consideration is given to which subject is substituted. Extra Literacy and numeracy support classes are provided in the Secondary School. Individual Educational Plans (IEPs) are written for all students receiving additional support, clearly identifying specific targets for success and advising teachers and parents on strategies to help support students. Support may be provided on a short-term or long-term basis. We work with each student for as long as it takes towards their personal goals. Annual reviews are carried out for those who have LEA statements.
Our SENCO is responsible for Access Arrangements for internal and external examinations and works closely with the School’s Examinations Officer.
We firmly believe in helping all our students achieve their potential and with early detection, intervention and specialist teaching we are able to continue to ensure St. Michael’s excellent results.
We are also well qualified and well resourced to provide English as a Foreign Language (EFL) and English for Students of Other Languages ESOL).
Please click here to download our ESOL brochure which contains more information.
Apply Online
Apply online using our application form or download the form and return to: admissions@stmikes.co.uk